"The Leader In Me makes me feel good because I get to follow the rules and be a good person.  People can teacher each other about it.  It's contagious."  -Joshua
"Sometimes it makes me have great ideas about stuff."  -Cade
"It helps people understand what they're learning and it helps them make friends."  -Alyssa
"The Leader In Me is the best!  It encourages kids to be their best and not boss people around." -Max
"I think The Leader In Me really helps kids be nice friends to each other and do the right decisions.  Kids really learn from it."  -Emily
"When I build Legos, I synergize with my friends and sisters to make a really big Lego City."  -Ashlesha
"BPE puts the leader in me!"  -Sofia 
 "The leader in me is now in everybody!" -Shreya 
 “A lot more is getting done with Leader in Me and more people are happy. With this, people who need power can have power. People can listen to them so they can feel like they have power.”- Ian

“It gives students more leadership roles so they feel needed. Like Student Council, we didn’t have that before.” - Trevor

“It kinda makes you want to act really good when other people, like visitors, are in the hall, so that they say ‘He’s such a good leader!’ It makes you feel good.” - Aidan

“It makes someone who’s shy or doesn’t know how to talk that well, explore new things and meet new people.” - Justin

“We do a lot of projects and it keeps people who would sit back and just listen be more involved.”- Jordan

“It motivates you and gives you confidence to do better in school because the kindergartners look up to the bigger kids to learn.” - Francisco